We added a new link to N-Chat to our Links-section subsection News & Reviews. Meet other C64 enthusiasts and chat with them.
Another year has gone and all we published was a song at the beginning of the year. Wow! So let's see what this year brings up. We wish you a happy new year. And we want to thank all people asking us to beta test new "64'er Commander" versions. Stay tuned, you'll get it. Maybe this year :-)
We wish you a happy new year. To welcome this new year we've added a new song 'Memories - Part 2 /Technodream' to the Music-section. You need to listen to it.
'Beyond the Wizard of Wor' is a new song in the Music-section. The song is inspired from the classic 'Wizard of Wor'. Yeah, one of those classics, that you can play 5 minutes or 2 hours without losing fun.
This news will tell you, that this site is still alive, even if there were no news for a long time now. Feel free to send us comments. :-)
After a looong time there's a new preview of "64'er Commander" out with version number 0.2a. New features are copying of files from one disk to another, export of multiple files (also complete discs) to PRG and many bug fixes. To get more details and download the latest version visit the commander page by clicking this link.
The Revival Team wishes to all of you a happy new year! Oooops, same text. Yep, as you can see this wasn't a very active year for our C64-Project. We promise you it's getting better this year. A new version of the "64'er Commander" is nearly finished so stay tuned.
Oh, what happened this year? Nothing at this site, but a lot in the background. Just want you to say that this site is still alive and there will be definitely a update in this year! So stay tuned....
The Revival Team wishes to all of you a happy new year!
It's been a long, long time since the last news at this site. Well, what should we say. We're both very busy at the moment, so there will be no new version of the commander this year. BUT we're currently in the state to start with the next version of the "64'er Commander" soon. This site will be updated more regular in the future, so the gaps won't be as long as now. So, that's alll for now. Enjoy your X-mas time and take a look at our site from time to time.
A long time has gone since the release of the last remix. Now we're proud to present a new one. This time it's not a remix of an original SID-sound. But if you want to know more about this song, then visit the Remastered Music Section.
After a gap of 2 months the next pre-release of the "64'er Commander" is out. If you want to download this preview-version then click here to visit the 64'er Commander page.
Just want to say that development of "64'er Commander" is going on and a pre-release of the "64'er Comander" is on it's way. There's also a new mix in the making, so stay tuned. So long, if you want to link to our site with a graphical logo or button you can use one of the following:
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Ok, the final day has come. After tests and modifications it's out! The first pre-release of the "64'er Commander". Feel free to download this freeware tool. Click here to visit the 64'er Commander page.
A first pre-release of the "64'er Commander" is coded and will be tested intensively in the next days. After getting through this procedure "64'er Commander" gets public for download on this page. At the moment the wanted release date will be at the beginning of March. Don't miss it! So long stay tuned and visit this site from time to time.
Here's the first update of the demosection in 2002.
Come and see the two new demos Opium and Soiled Legacy.
A happy new year to all of you.
New year, new Power! Hopefully this site is filled up with lot of life in this
...be prepared for something you've waited so long...
Good news for all demolovers...
The demosection is up again. Have much fun and enjoy these fine pieces of coding.
After a big update- and message-gap we're back in life. After many problems with our old provider we finally decided to change to a new server. Now we're working to get it all running again. The Musicsection is on the line again, Demos coming soon!
Please don't use the URL back.to/64k anymore, take the new one c64.revivalteam.de.